Surveying Services We Offer
MJM surveying is equipped to assist with any survey you require whether it is in an urban, rural or construction setting. Below are just a few of the types of surveys we can assist you with. MJM Surveying is a quality Surveyor located in NSW and offers services across NSW including Sydney, Newcastle, Lake Macquarie, Port Stephens and the Central Coast

Construction & Building Survey
A critical role in the construction industry concerning any type of construction is a construction survey. Whether you’re building a large civil infrastructure such as buildings, roads or highways or a small residential development project such as a granny flat construction; a construction survey will need to be done in order for the project to begin.
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A construction survey is done prior to the commencement of any construction project to ensure the proposed works are completed correctly and the detailed data is collected. This is often done by placing pegs/markers at offsets or gridlines for the proposed development to ensure the development is built in the correct position. This type of survey is often used by form workers and builders throughout the construction phase of a project.
A construction survey can often also be referred to as a ‘Pegout Survey’ or ‘Setout Survey’.

Topographical Detail Survey
What is a topographical Detail Survey?
Topographical detail surveys are also known as ‘Contour and Feature Surveys’ or even sometimes as a ‘Site Survey’. Topographical Detail Surveys provide a digital representation of natural and manmade features of any site that are typically required when planning a new construction project. These surveys are completed for assessment and design purposes typically required for a Development’s Application through Council.
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Each of our topographical detail surveys scope is customised to match the requirements of the proposed development. This ensures that site specific detail is included as a part of the survey and also that costs are minimised by not including unnecessary information as a part of the survey.
If you already have the services of a designer or architect engaged we are happy to meet the requirements of their request as a part of this survey, otherwise we can use our expertise and industry experience to recommend a level of survey suitable to the project.
Some features included in this type of survey, but not limited to, are:
- Dimensions of the property
- Placement of AHD benchmark in a suitable location
- Existing buildings on the subject property (Including floor Level, eave/gutter level & ridge/parapet levels)
- Adjoining properties outlines (Including eave/gutter levels & ridge/parapet levels)
- Adjoining properties facing openings (windows & doors)
- Other improvements including sheds, decks, patio etc
- Existing pathways, driveways and other hard surfaces
- Garden beds and other soft surfaces
- The road edge/kerb, pathway and driveway levels fronting the site
- The location visible services connections (Stormwater, Communications, Water, Gas, Electricity & Sewerage) (Where applicable)
- Spot levels over the existing natural surface features sufficient to generate contours of the site
- Location of significant trees (Trunk size & canopy spread)
- Fencing locations on the subject property
- Plan in PDF & DWG Format

Subdivision Survey
A subdivision is the process of converting one or more parcels of land into multiple parcels of land. All subdivision plans as part of the construction project are required to be lodged with NSW Lands Registry Service for registration. Such being the case, these surveys and plans are to be completed to a level to satisfy the needs of the Surveying and Spatial Information Regulation.
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A subdivision survey is required to accurately define the existing property boundaries as well as defining and marking all new boundaries created as a part of the subdivision plan.
A subdivision can range anywhere from a single title into two title duplex, or a large scale multi stage subdivision. We can help guide you through the process no matter your level of experience in this type of construction and building development.

Boundary Survey
A boundary survey is self-explanatory within its name; It is the process of accurately marking the position of a property’s boundaries. This survey is required by law to be completed by a Registered Surveyor. As a part of a boundary survey any easements or encumbrances on a parcel of land will be identified as part of this construction process.
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Boundary surveys are often carried out for the purpose of placing fencing accurately in the correct position. A boundary survey may be also carried out when construction is being carried out on a property close to the property boundaries and understanding where buildings can be situated.
All Services
- Contour/Detail/Topographical/Site plan Surveys
- Construction Set Out/Peg Out Surveys
- Formwork Check Surveys
- Identification/Final Surveys
- AHD/Floor Level/Benchmark Surveys
- Works As Executed/as Built Surveys
- Foreshore Identification Surveys
- Water Depth Surveys
- Easement Surveys
- Torrens Subdivision
- Strata Subdivision
- Delimitation Survey
- Contour/Detail/Topographical/Site plan Surveys
- Construction Set Out/Peg Out Surveys
- Formwork Check Surveys
- Identification/Final Surveys
- AHD/Floor Level/Benchmark Surveys
- Works As Executed/as Built Surveys
- Foreshore Identification Surveys
- Water Depth Surveys
- Easement Surveys
- Torrens Subdivision
- Strata Subdivision
- Delimitation Survey
Our Service Areas
Lake Macquarie|Newcastle|Central Coast|Port Stephens|Maitland|Cessnock|Singleton|Hornsby |Northern Beaches| Ku-Ring-Gai|Dungog|Mid-Coast
Lake Macquarie|Newcastle
Central Coast|Port Stephens
Hornsby|Northern Beaches